Monday, February 22, 2010

Spring Time Watering

I know that it's hard to think about Spring time, especially in the MD-DC-VA area when all you see is snow and cold weather but I read about this new concept and thought it is better to share it early rather than getting it to you too late.

This concept is for a "smart" sprinkler system called Cyber Rain.

Instead of using a manual adjuster for your sprinkler system, Cyber Rain lets you do the programming on your computer. It gets weather reports off the Web, then transmits that information to the controller in your garage or basement plus it helps you to save 30-70% on your water bill...not bad, right?

Your water amount gets adjusted automatically, so you know for sure that you are watering only when your lawn and garden really need its.

I think it's something worth trying, plus the idea of saving money monthly sounds really good to me. 

Enjoy your day everyone!


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