I'm sure that you all have experienced when the electricity goes out due to a power outage and you can't find a flashlight or anything to help you get through that night. What about other things that you think you should have just in case of a bad situation...
I would try to keep the following in a box or a drawer to keep for situations like this. You can keep a set on each floor but definitely have one on a main floor that is easily accessible.
- Flashlights - with batteries - on each floor
- Stash of batteries of all sizes
- Battery powered radio
- First Aid Kit
- An area to store food items, if you lose power (bottled water, candles, matches, canned food, other foods that you do not have to cook)
- Fire Extinguisher(s)
- Ladder - that you can keep in a bedroom, near a window, to get out in case of a fire or another type of emergency
- Also, always make sure that you have your phones, blackberries and laptops charged well in advance so that you are not caught in a bind
I hope the next time you are caught in one of these events, you will be safe and secure.
Thanks for the wonderful tip. It is appreciated.
Thanks Beth, glad it was helpful!
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