I love the holidays because it allows me to be a little creative; plus my children enjoy seeing things that are a bit unexpected; it keeps the wonderment of youth alive.
I have put together some great ideas to get your ornaments and holiday items put up and still keep things organized and attractive.
What to do with extra ornaments?
- Hang them from the chandelier; you can hang different sizes and use ribbon to hang them at different lengths. Please make sure you don't put anything too close to your light bulbs.

- Try using different colored ribbons to add an eclectic flair to your decor or change it up for whatever theme you may have going on in different areas of your home. If you have the metal hooks showing because the ribbon was not appropriate to use, make sure that you still cover it up with some type of ribbon - the kind that work best are those with the wire in them to make it easy to bend.
- Find some (non-breakable) ornaments that are quirky or unique and hang from the door knob of your child's bedroom; or hang it on the powder room door knob so all your guests know which door to use.
- Put them in decorative, non-decorative vases (to dress them up), bowls, or containers to add just a dash of color or elegance in any area that is lack luster.

- If they are long, it would be nice to hang them in between railings with elegant ribbon; if you have many, you can put it in between each rail or if there are only a few, why not put them in between random rails?
- Put some on the mantel among garland - or a beautiful runner. You don't have either? Try using a decorative tablecloth that you can wrap thinly and put on the mantel along with some decorative ornaments and ribbons.
- Try draping garland (I especially like the beaded ones) around statues or figurines that you have in the house.
- If you have a tree/plant in the house, wrap it around that or put it in the pot of a planted tree or bush along with some ornaments. If you plan to do this to an outside tree, make sure that it is staked in well and that the ornaments are heavy and not easily breakable, since the weather can be unpredictable.
- Use the garland as a runner along the mantel.
- Use the garland around doorways or windows - don't over do the tinsel though, what could be elegant can turn tacky very quickly.

- If you don't have a fireplace and a mantel, hang your stockings on the railing.
- Don't have railings, then try to hang them from the back of your breakfast or dining room chairs. Elegant ribbons always work.
- You can always simply drape the stockings along with the gifts under the tree for a unique look to the presents.
- If your stockings don't have a loop or it has come off, get a hole puncher and insert a pretty ribbon to hang it up.
If you are still unsure, you can always ask an "honest" friend for their advice. You may also feel free to ask me, I will be glad to give you some friendly advice/direction.
Enjoy the season and the beauty that you have created within your home.
I hope that everyone has a great month, full of answered prayers, a touch of peace and a sense of calm.
Have a blessed day!
1 comment:
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